Kamtep Chit Smos , កាមទេពចិត្តស្មោះ [9-14EP]

Pka Kroch Mkod Sne,ផ្កាក្រូចម្កុដស្នេហ៍ [1-22end]

Pka Rik Krom Mek [1-58END]

sopheap boros tang 5 boros tey 5

How to Juggle 3 Balls for Beginners

 hello, this is surface 11 here today I will be showing you a stress-free way of.
 how to learn how to juggle first off for materials you don't need to go buy some expensive juggling balls you can use anything from tennis balls to apples let's start off we're going to take to jungles all we're going to do is throw them back and forth the trick is to throw the other one when the first one reaches its peak height it should move in and are like that just until you get comfortable.
 don't forget to switch back and forth between your two hands so if you're going right first next time goal of course to both two balls move on to three to start place to in your dominant hand and one in your non-dominant hand the pattern is you throw your right left right which is only three throws and three catches practice this until you can do.
 it 10 times in a row then move on to doing it four times five times and so on and so forth until you get bored enough and good enough that you can just keep going for as long as you want that's all for today guys don't forget to Like and subscribe and if you have any more ideas for new future videos to leave a comment below if you have any struggles with this.

Tie a Shoelace in 2 Seconds

           wanna know how to tie a shoelace in two seconds

  you won't believe how simple it is this is how we do it fast now we're going to slow down and show you every step first I your laces as usual then put too little fingers underneath now you're right pointing the finger and the time those under additional ways and left goes over it grab the opposite loops at the same time and full through type.

How to Tie Your Shoe

What's up? 
I'm Brooke and I'm gonna show you how to tie a Runner's Knot.
There are 3 different ways that I know about The first

1. Loop Swoop and Pull First, you gonna take your shoe place in front of you or on your foot Take the 2 strings, cross them over You're gonna tuck it under and pull it nice and tight. Make one loop here, take the other one, take a swoop around.
Push it on with this little finger here, you will find another loop and pull it tight. Loops, Swoop and Pull!

2. Good Ol' Bunny Ears The second one is Bunny Ears And I've never been too great at it You take your strings, you gonna make sure that they're nice and tight by tucking it under once.
You'll gonna make one Bunny Ear on this side, and another Bunny Ear on this side Cross them over, tuck one underneath, and pull it through and you are ready to go .

3. Magic fingers This one is brand new to my shoe-tying game First, you take it, cross it over just like you have before. Then you gonna take both hands like this. You're gonna put 2 fingers in front of this lace and 2 fingers in the back of this lace, pull them frontwards, pinch each other and pull it out So easy and magical Now you can show all your friends you're brand new skills in tying your shoes. See you!

How to Tie a Tie in 10 Seconds

how to tie in 10 seconds 

 hello if you're sick of being late for work Britax has the answer for you tying a tie in 10 seconds is possible there you go with just a few slight of hand you've got a perfect I not just how it should be let's take a close look at how to do it first lay the tie down on.
next you need to make a loop with the large end like this do the same thing with the smaller end like this there you go that's right with your right hand take the small loop and turn it once I'll show you again take the smaller loop and turn it.

 and now you need to slip the smaller loop inside the bigger one like that inside it take the tail of the the like this and slide it inside the two loops take it on the other side and hold the two ends together now pull gently on the neck loop with your left hand
very gently and as if by magic there you have a perfect toy not there you go you'll never be late for work again.

How to Tie a Tie (Mirrored / Slowly) - Full Windsor Knot

This demonstration should take about five minutes

and be at a pace that you can follow along to. Before we start you should note your tie has a skinny end and a fat end. Your first decision is going to be which side of your body you place the ends. It doesn't matter which side your tie goes on, it won't affect the tie tying process I have posted a mirror image of this video if that suits you better. Not only does your tie have two ends, it has two different sides.
the face side is smooth, and the seam side is on the back We're going to start with the seam side down so take your tie, and with the seam side down, place it around your neck flat against your body, again with the seam side down. Here's where we adjust for length. You pull on the fat end so that the skinny end is.
about at your rib cage. Now choosing length is a very difficult step, it's a very important step, but in this part of the process we're just trying to tie the tie properly, so we're going to skip it. We will get to it later now we're going to take the fat end and cross it over the skinny end move the skinny and overtake the fat end cross it over the skinny end,  making an "X".
You'll notice I have one hand holding the bottom of the "X". To simplify the process I'm going to have one hand do all the work while the other hand just holds the center of the "X". The center of the "X" becomes the knot so I'm going to call the hand that holds the "X", the "not hand". Choose which hand you want to be the "knot hand" and take hold of the center of the "X".
make sure you have a good grip and don't let go but feel free to adjust later if you need to. Now the space between the center of the "X" and your neck is what I call the tie hole it's this area here now there are four places we can put the tie.

we can make the tie come out of the hole we can make the tie go into the hole we can make the tie go to the hole and we can make the tie go across the hole the first step we're going to do is take the tie and make it go out of the hole so take the tie.
and make it go out of the hole I do that by placing my hand in the front of the tie and then just push it straight up through the hole with it half way through you can use your knot hand to hold the bottom of the tie as you move your working hand around.
pull the rest of the tie through flipping it over and let it fall in front of you now we're going to take the tie and make it go behind the hole so go ahead and grab the tie pull it over to the side.
and just push it straight through behind the hole I'm going to place it on my shoulder so you can see that the seam here is now facing out also take note that this part here is kind of low now we're going to take the tie.
and make it go into the hole I'm going to grab under flip it around and push it through the hole as I'm halfway through I'm going to grab it with my pinky, it's not necessary, just go ahead and pull the rest of it through again, now flipping it so the seam side is showing.
take a good look at the not here feel free to give a small tug on the tie at the end of every step you don't want it too tight, but then again not too loose we're not going to take the tie and go across the hole so take the tie, pull it over the side and then make it go across the hole.
at this point I have a good tip for you before you go across the hole, put your finger right here again I'm going to place the tie on my shoulder just so you can see that the face is now showing the next step is to take the tie and make it go out of the hole again as we do that we're going to kind of flip it
to take the time kind of just push your fingers around and through again as you make the tie go out of the hole you're going to flip it over so again the face is showing. In future it's at this point you may want to switch hands but then you won't have the benefit of the tip I gave earlier
to finish your going to take the fat end of the tie and put it behind the across step it's kind of hard to explain where that is, which is why I told you to put your finger there, so take the fat end and make it go right where your finger is again I'm using one hand here,
but at this point it can be easier to just grab the fat end with that one finger either way you're going to pull the fat end through and keep pulling until the knot is tight as you're pulling the knot tight make sure not to lose the skinny end you can squeeze the bottom to help form the proper shape pulling the two tops apart will also help
to tighten the tie around her neck grab the skinny end with one hand and the bottom of the knot with the other hand and now you do a "pull and slide" motion pull in the skinny end slide the knot, pull, slide tidy up a bit make sure everything looks nice
and now you can flip your collar down it's at this point you should also do up the top button give it one more tighten and you're all done now we just need to get the proper length and maybe a little faster

Sne Chrek Vannak 13END, sopheap boros tang 5 thai movie

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Ponlu Nei Behdaung ,24 Ep

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Long Weekend

Thongsook is a shy, nerdy, childlike teenager who's always harassed and made fun of by his friends since he was a boy. Luckily Thongsook has a best friend in Nam, a girl who's grown up with him and looks after him whenever she can. When Thongsook and Nam enter college, they hang out with a new group of friends: Boy, Jack, Beam and Pui. As usual, these new friends enjoy making fun of Thongsook, a fate that the young man has to endure with hardly a protest. But one long weekend during school break, these bullies will experience something so terrifying that will forever change their idea about Thongsook. The whole gang take a trip to a deserted island in the middle of a lake but Thongsook is not invited despite Nam's insistence. However, once they arrive at the island, Thongsook shows up mysteriously. The pleasant vacation turns horribly wrong on the second night - it is Friday the 13th, known as The Night of the Devouring Ghosts.

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