How to Juggle 3 Balls for Beginners

 hello, this is surface 11 here today I will be showing you a stress-free way of.
 how to learn how to juggle first off for materials you don't need to go buy some expensive juggling balls you can use anything from tennis balls to apples let's start off we're going to take to jungles all we're going to do is throw them back and forth the trick is to throw the other one when the first one reaches its peak height it should move in and are like that just until you get comfortable.
 don't forget to switch back and forth between your two hands so if you're going right first next time goal of course to both two balls move on to three to start place to in your dominant hand and one in your non-dominant hand the pattern is you throw your right left right which is only three throws and three catches practice this until you can do.
 it 10 times in a row then move on to doing it four times five times and so on and so forth until you get bored enough and good enough that you can just keep going for as long as you want that's all for today guys don't forget to Like and subscribe and if you have any more ideas for new future videos to leave a comment below if you have any struggles with this.

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